文献推送 | 伊莱瑞特23年10月收录SCI论文325篇,最高IF达30.8!

Elabscience 2023年10月文献收录





01 免疫调节脂质体搭乘中性粒细胞增强碳离子放疗辅助胶质母细胞瘤免疫治疗

Immunoregulatory liposomes hitchhiking on neutrophils for enhanced carbon ion radiotherapy-assisted immunotherapy of glioblastoma


应用产品:PerCP Anti-Mouse/Human CD11b Antibody[M1/70](E-AB-F1081F)、APC Anti-Mouse CD86 Antibody[GL-1](E-AB-F0994E)、FITC Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antibody[CI:A3-1](E-AB-F0995C)、PE Anti-Mouse CD206/MMR Antibody[C068C2](E-AB-F1135D

02 肝脏微环境协调FGL1介导的免疫逃逸和转移性结直肠癌的进展

The liver microenvironment orchestrates FGL1-mediated immune escape and progression of metastatic colorectal cancer

PMID: 37872170

应用产品:Human FGL1(Fibrinogen Like Protein 1) ELISA KitE-EL-H1667c

03 α-1肾上腺素能信号通过斑马鱼巨噬细胞细胞外基质重塑转录程序驱动心脏再生

Alpha-1 adrenergic signaling drives cardiac regeneration via extracellular matrix remodeling transcriptional program in zebrafish macrophages

PMID: 37875117

应用产品:IP3(Inositol Triphosphate) ELISA Kit(E-EL-0059c

04 仿生纳米颗粒靶向和复极化M2样肿瘤相关巨噬细胞介导的MR成像和肿瘤免疫治疗

Targeting and repolarizing M2-like tumor-associated macrophage-mediated MR imaging and tumor immunotherapy by biomimetic nanoparticles

PMID: 37907987

应用产品:FITC Anti-Mouse CD80 Antibody(E-AB-F0992C/E-AB-F0992UC)、FITC Anti-Mouse CD206/MMR Antibody(E-AB-F1135C/E-AB-F1135UC)、APC Anti-Mouse CD206/MMR Antibody(E-AB-F1135E/E-AB-F1135UE

05 NIR驱动的靶向Janus纳米马达重塑免疫抑制肿瘤微环境,增强癌症免疫治疗

NIR-Actuated Targeted Janus Nanomotors Remodel Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment for Augmented Cancer Immunotherapy

PMID: 37824087

应用产品:PE Anti-Mouse CD80 Antibody(E-AB-F0992D/E-AB-F0992UD)、FITC Anti-Mouse CD206/MMR Antibody(E-AB-F1135C/E-AB-F1135UC


01 V2C驱动的纳米递送平台增强了乳腺癌的协同治疗

V2C-Driven Nanodelivery Platform Potentiates Synergistic Breast Cancer Therapy


应用产品:Annexin V-FITC/PI Apoptosis Kit(E-CK-A211


01 电刺激通过一个灵活的微针阵列集成的指间电极诱导抗肿瘤免疫调节

Electrical stimulation induces anti-tumor immunomodulation via a flexible microneedle-array-integrated interdigital electrode

PMID: 37863773

应用产品:One-step TUNEL in situ apoptosis kit (Green, FITC)(E-CK-A320)、PE anti-mouse CD86 antibody(E-AB-F1012D

02 通过核-壳纳米增敏剂介导的免疫抑制肿瘤微环境调节增强抗肿瘤免疫的免疫原性放射治疗

Immunogenic Radiation Therapy for Enhanced Antitumor Immunity via a Core–Shell Nanosensitizer-Mediated Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment Modulation

PMID: 37812400

应用产品:APC anti-mouse CD86 antibody [GL-1](E-AB-F0994E/E-AB-F0994UE)、APC anti-mouse CD206 antibody [C068C2](E-AB-F1135E/E-AB-F1135UE)、PE anti-mouse CD80 antibody [16–10A1](E-AB-F0992D/E-AB-F0992UD)、FITC anti-mouse CD3 antibody [17A2](E-AB-F1013C/E-AB-F1013UC)、PE anti-mouse CD4 antibody [GK1.5](E-AB-F1097D/E-AB-F1097UD)、FITC anti-mouse CD11c antibody [N418](E-AB-F0991C/E-AB-F0991UC)、FITC anti-mouse/human CD11b antibody [M1/70](E-AB-F1081C/E-AB-F1081UC)、PerCP/Cyanine5.5 anti-mouse F4/80 antibody [CI:A3–1](E-AB-F0995J/E-AB-F0995UJ


01 靶向蛋白-DNA相互作用的cGAS环肽抑制剂的研制与相分离

Development of cyclopeptide inhibitors of cGAS targeting protein-DNA interaction and phase separation

PMID: 37783727

应用产品:Annexin V-FITC/PI Apoptosis Kit(E-CK-A211

02 氧化铜-助锌单原子杂化纳米酶用于生物膜感染伤口愈合

Gut microbiota impacts bone via Bacteroides vulgatus-valeric acid-related pathways

PMID: 37891329

应用产品:Mouse CTXⅠ(Cross Linked C-telopeptide of Type Ⅰ Collagen) ELISA KitE-EL-M3023

03 微马达驱动的活性氢和妥布霉素递送协同脓毒症治疗

Micromotor-Enabled Active Hydrogen and Tobramycin Delivery for Synergistic Sepsis Therapy

PMID: 37818787

应用产品:Mouse IL-1β(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA KitE-EL-M0037c/E-MSEL-M0003

04 精神分裂症补体功能障碍的细胞外囊泡生物标志物

Extracellular vesicle biomarkers for complement dysfunction in schizophrenia

PMID: 37816260

应用产品:Human C4(Complement Component 4) ELISA KitE-EL-H6027

05 多维自噬纳米调节剂通过改善神经元外/内稳态促进阿尔茨海默病的治疗

Multidimensional autophagy nano-regulator boosts Alzheimer’s disease treatment by improving both extra/intraneuronal homeostasis


应用产品:Human Aβ1-40(Amyloid Beta 1-40) ELISA KitE-EL-H0542c)、Human Aβ1-42(Amyloid Beta 1-42) ELISA KitE-EL-H0543c



1. Hirakawa H, Gao L, Tavakol DN, Vunjak-Novakovic G, Ding L. Cellular plasticity of the bone marrow niche promotes hematopoietic stem cell regeneration. Nat Genet. 2023 Nov;55(11):1941-1952.

2. Recouvreux MV, Grenier SF, Zhang Y, Esparza E, Lambies G, Galapate CM, Maganti S, Duong-Polk K, Bhullar D, Naeem R, Scott DA, Lowy AM, Tiriac H, Commisso C. Glutamine mimicry suppresses tumor progression through asparagine metabolism in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Nat Cancer. 2023 Oct 9.

3. Wang Y, Zhang B, Xi Q, et al. Gemcitabine nano-prodrug reprograms intratumoral metabolism and alleviates immunosuppression for hepatocellular carcinoma therapy. Nano Today, 2023.

4. Ma G, Li F, Wang X, Li Q, Hong Y, Wei Q, Gao F, Zhang W, Guo Y, Ma X, Hu Z. A Bionic Yeast Tumor Vaccine Using the Co-Loading Strategy to Prevent Post-Operative Tumor Recurrence. ACS Nano. 2023 Nov 14;17(21):21394-21410.

5. Ma X, Liang X, Yao M, Gao Y, Luo Q, Li X, Yu Y, Sun Y, Cheng MHY, Chen J, Zheng G, Shi J, Wang F. Myoglobin-loaded gadolinium nanotexaphyrins for oxygen synergy and imaging-guided radiosensitization therapy. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 4;14(1):6187.

6. Ma H, Fang W, Li Q, Wang Y, Hou SX. Arf1 Ablation in Colorectal Cancer Cells Activates a Super Signal Complex in DC to Enhance Anti-Tumor Immunity. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2023 Nov;10(32):e2305089.

7. Liu Z, Wang Q, Feng Y, et al. The self-adjuvant heterocyclic lipid nanoparticles encapsulated with vaccine and STAT3 siRNA boost cancer immunotherapy through DLN-targeted and STING pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023.

8. Xiang J, Zhang N, Du A, Li J, Luo M, Wang Y, Liu M, Yang L, Li X, Wang L, Liu Q, Chen D, Wang T, Bian XW, Qin ZY, Su L, Wen L, Wang B. A Ubiquitin-Dependent Switch on MEF2D Senses Pro-Metastatic Niche Signals to Facilitate Intrahepatic Metastasis of Liver Cancer. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2023 Oct 12:e2305550.

9. Wang Z, Zheng D, Tan YS, Yuan Q, Yuan F, Zhang SC. Enabling Survival of Transplanted Neural Precursor Cells in the Ischemic Brain. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2023 Nov;10(33):e2302527.

10. Hu H, Wang Z, Yang H, Bai Y, Zhu R, Cheng L. Hypoxic Preconditional Engineering Small Extracellular Vesicles Promoted Intervertebral Disc Regeneration by Activating Mir-7-5p/NF-Κb/Cxcl2 Axis. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2023 Oct 23:e2304722.

11. Wang W, Wang Q, Yu L, Ge G, Liu X, Gao A, Wang G, Wu Z, Bai J, Wang H, Chu PK, Geng D. Bio-orthogonal engineered peptide: A multi-functional strategy for the gene therapy of osteoporotic bone loss. Biomaterials. 2023 Nov;302:122352.

12. Cui Y, Lv B, Li Z, Ma C, Gui Z, Geng Y, Liu G, Sang L, Xu C, Min Q, Kong L, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Qi X, Fu D. Bone-Targeted Biomimetic Nanogels Re-Establish Osteoblast/Osteoclast Balance to Treat Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. Small. 2023 Oct 4:e2303494.

13. Su P, Mao X, Ma J, Huang L, Yu L, Tang S, Zhuang M, Lu Z, Osafo KS, Ren Y, Wang X, Lin X, Huang L, Huang X, Braicu EI, Sehouli J, Sun P. ERRα promotes glycolytic metabolism and targets the NLRP3/caspase-1/GSDMD pathway to regulate pyroptosis in endometrial cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Oct 20;42(1):274.

14. Ren X, Zhuang H, Zhang Y, Zhou P. Cerium oxide nanoparticles-carrying human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells counteract oxidative damage and facilitate tendon regeneration. J Nanobiotechnology. 2023 Oct 3;21(1):359. doi: 10.1186/s12951-023-02125-5.

15. Kang L, Wu Y, Jia Y, Chen Z, Kang D, Zhang L, Pan C. Nano-selenium enhances melon resistance to Podosphaera xanthii by enhancing the antioxidant capacity and promoting alterations in the polyamine, phenylpropanoid and hormone signaling pathways. J Nanobiotechnology. 2023 Oct 16;21(1):377.

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